Chapter Overview
Chapter Overview
ISM—Austin was chartered in February 1970 as the Austin Purchasing Management Association to serve the professional development needs of both the commercial and government purchasing communities.
Before that, a group of about 10 - 12 Austinites would get together and drive down to attend meetings of NAPM—San Antonio. These included Gene Baker, Al Baker (City of Austin), Solon Bennett (City of Austin), Bill Burke (State Purchasing Commission), Homer Forester (State Purchasing Commission), Charles Islet, Ruth King, Walter Picard, Ralph Westling and La Verne Whatley.
During the 1970's, the orgnization held joint annual meetings with NAPM—San Antonio, alternating between locations. Since that time, the organization has flourished, attracted a more diverse membership, and taken the lead in serving the acquisition and material and inventory management professionals representing city, county, and state agencies, the several universities and the ever expanding high-tech industry.